In life, many things are out of our control.
Things go wrong. We make mistakes. When we encounter challenges, there will be things we can change and things we cannot.
Lesson 1
In life, many things are out of our control.
Things go wrong. We make mistakes. When we encounter challenges, there will be things we can change and things we cannot.
Lesson 1
In life, many things are out of our control.
Things go wrong. We make mistakes. When we encounter challenges, there will be things we can change and things we cannot.
Lesson 1
2. We are Uniquely Positioned
Today the complexity of problems is being amplified by a global pandemic and socio-political and rapid technology changes. HHH believes that working together to drive Positive Change, hope will rise. So, for such a time as this, Head Heart & Hands has chosen to make its resources accessible on this website. If you or your organization would like to use any of the tools, we want to know. PLEASE honor our efforts and let us know you are using the resources by contacting HHH4good@outlook.com.
1. Our Life Matters
Before Starting
Click here and print Exercise 1 "My Best and Worst."
Does our Life Matter?
Does our story fit into a bigger picture?
In this lesson, we are going to explore how a Big Picture Perspective enables us to see:
Our Lives Matter
Our choices impact our organizations, relationships, health, and environment. Therefore, we all play an important role in our home, community, and world. No matter what we have been through, no matter what others think of us, our life has value and dignity. Making mistakes does not change our value. Doing good things does not change our value. We are worthy of love and belonging under any condition.
Our perspective can be defined as our point of view. Our perspective affects how we view our situation - our problems - our resources – ourselves - which affects how we see the world and our role in the world.
In a world of diverse human stories, our choices have impact. In the human narrative, we can make choices that create problems. We can also make choices that have the power to create solutions to those problems, big or small. We are part of this bigger narrative.
Our Choices often create SOLUTIONS
When we:
Are respectful when frustrated
Help someone in need
Persevere when a task is hard
See the good in someone else
Our Choices often create
When we:
Are disrespectful when frustrated
Degrade someone struggling
Give up when a task is difficult
Blame Others
In life, many things are out of our control.
Things go wrong. We make mistakes. When we encounter challenges, there will be things we can change and things we cannot.

We have a Choice
We can choose to THINK CARE ACT with positive intention.
Choice #2
We can choose to THINK CARE ACT with no intention or selfish intention. As a result, we do not grow, and our choices add chaos and hardship to our story.
When we get involved,
creating solutions to the problems around us by choosing to THINK CARE ACT with positive intention, we see our lives have value and dignity, and gain motivation to be a positive contributor.

As a result, we grow INWARDLY & OUTWARDLY and become more caring and capable. Prepared to turn life’s inevitable ups and downs into opportunities to make a positive difference, our story gets better under any circumstance.
A Big Picture Perspective
We do not need our hardships to go away to make our life better. Our story can get better as we grow and choose to turn life’s inevitable ups and downs into opportunities to make a positive difference. Those who intentionally position themselves to view the bigger story, the good, the bad and the ugly, have what we call a Big Picture Perspective. A Big Picture Perspective helps us understand our lives matter. Seeing the positive and negative impact of our choices, helps us gain motivation to become a better version of ourselves and gives us the courage to learn from our mistakes and take the next best step.
A Big Picture Perspective can also help us gain clarity about how we see the world and our role in the world. As we grow, we see that our differences often help us create better solutions. Understanding that our rights, come with responsibilities we are motivated to show respect for others even when we do not agree.
Nick Vujicic
Talk About It
After watching the videos above, "Why do you think Nick’s life has value and dignity no matter what he has been through, no matter what others think of him?"
How do you think Nick’s decision to be a force for good is enabling his story to get better even though he still has hardships?
Let's Get Involved
To better understand the impact of our choices, let us explore our BEST and WORST and start developing a strategy for doing things that bring BEST. First have some fun playing the BEST WORST Icebreaker in the video above. Then do the BEST WORST Exercise. If you have not done so yet click here and print Exercise 1 "My Best and Worst."
In a Small Group
Give each person the option to share from their BEST WORST Exercise.
Discuss how you think showing up your BEST-self empowers you to help drive Positive Change and how showing up your WORST-self can add to the problems around you?
Discuss why you think getting involved, creating solutions to the problems around us, helps us grow and see our lives have value and increase our motivation to be a positive contributor?
Consider how " Growing INWARDLY and OUTWARDLY more caring and capable prepares us to make a positive difference under any circumstance. Then give each person the option of sharing what they are willing to do to this week to improve how they
THINK- Learn-Evaluate CARE- Hope- Aim ACT- Improve-Engage.
What is our Next Best Step?
Something that makes being human extraordinary is our ability to THINK CARE and ACT. Right now, wherever we are, we can choose to …

Remember our life has value and dignity and we all play an important role in our home, community, and world. Evaluate our situation and make wise choices.

Want to help drive Positive Change by using our unique circumstances to make a positive difference.

Get involved, creating solutions to the problems around us by intentionally doing things that bring out our BEST and being aware of things that bring out our WORST.
As we get involved, creating solutions
to the problems around us, we see our lives have value, and we gain motivation to be a positive contributor. While we will always have a mixed narrative, we can get better at making choices that bring out the BEST in ourselves and others.