2006 - A light bulb went off when several national publications quoted the CEO of Seagate as saying, “Let's face it; we're not changing the world. We're building a product that helps people buy more crap - and watch porn."
Working parallel careers as a market strategist for Seagate and a community leader, Suzi Josselyn recognized that a framework for integrating technology into our personal lives good, we were living in the Wild West of Technology.
At this moment, the passion to see organizations work together to make it easier for people to thrive was born. Inside the tech world, she used research, analysis, and market intelligence to persuade her executives of the financial and branding benefits of starting a "Tech for Good" initiative. She worked equally hard to help community leaders recognize the opportunity to collaborate to collectively cultivate a climate that makes it easier for people to thrive.
2006-11 Suzi started and help lead Better Together, a school-wide program focused on improving Social Behavior by cultivating inward growth at Baymonte Christian School.
2008 - Suzi left the high tech industry to work on iSpotCompassion, a social media campaign focused on inspiring young entrepreneurs for good led by Children’s Hospice and Palliative Care Coalition.
2009 - Head Heart & Hands was born and the “Tech for Good" initiative evolved into an organization committed to providing affordable, universal tools that enable diverse organizations to work together independently, yet collectively to help people improve their Social Impact. Cammie Dunaway and Chris Thomas joined the team and began helping HHH create digital tools that helped people integrate technology into their lives in a way that promotes human thriving.